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Unemployed? Get Motivated and feel Empowered (5 of 5)

People can empower and motivate you, making you want to achieve great things. People can also disempower you, making you feel lousy, and it is difficult for you to feel motivated to do anything. And so it is with the unemployment industry. There are great staff and lousy staff, some will help you, and some don’t care one bit about you, so do not rely on the staff to assist you. The best thing to do is to empower and motivate yourself, that way you have a better chance to be more productive in life as you will see in tip one.
Tip 1 Being self-sufficient and empowering yourself means less chance of being disempowered by anyone, whether this be in the unemployment industry or anywhere else you might go. Yes, you need your mentors; you need to be empowered by others too, but your mentors are not always with you in difficult situations like presenting yourself to the unemployment industry, or any other organisation. If you motivate yourself, it is easier to remain strong no matter what life presents to you, don’t rely on others to make you successful.
You are unemployed; not broken. All unemployment means is you do not have a job right now, you are still the same person. If people mistreat you because you are unemployed, let me make it quite clear, you are not a bad person because you are unemployed; you are a good person in an unpleasant situation.
Being unemployed is a good time to stop, think and reflect on what is happening in your life, make the changes then move forward with confidence.
Tip 2
Some long-term unemployed people are struggling and have become discouraged, they have lost hope and become negative in themselves. It is easy to slide into this mood, but, try to avoid this feeling at all costs, stay motivated by looking into all the possibilities life can present to you. Surround yourself with as much positivity as you can.
Unemployment is like other difficulties in life; it all comes down to how you handle the situations that are thrown at you. Make sure you have a winner’s attitude.
We all have setbacks in life, we pause, we observe, and we learn from it and move on. This is one of those times. You will be fine, trust in yourself and your abilities.
I wish you all the best, never lose faith in yourself and your abilities, and live life to the max!
Want more tips? Check out the book called, ‘The Power to Survive Unemployment.’
PS: Remember, live life to the max; choose to have a winning attitude to achieve your goals.
Delece Ford
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