Children’s Books and series [fiction]
The Series of Percy continues. Book three, ‘Percy Saves Kerry’s Treehouse’ is due late December 2023. This book is currently at the illustrators, very exciting to see Percy the Possum and Kerry the Koala save her trees and environment.
Book four is currently in a manuscript form, waiting it’s turn to be edited.


Jack & Sam Series [fiction]
The Series of Jack and Sam changed from discussing their day job to setting up and running a business. This Series has come to an end until 2025, as other priorities take over, these characters might show up again with different ideas and topics to discuss.


‘Power and Control’ [non-fiction]
This book is the sequel to ‘The Power the Capture and Release. A Nurse’s Revenge’ and will be available in 2025. This book is part of a trilogy, with some good people acting outside of their characters. Like nurse Carol who has made it her mission to catch and punish serial killers after she was attacked by one.  


Remember; it is your choice to be a pessimist, optimist, or a realist. So don’t be surprised with your outcome.