Category Archives: children

Percy’s new friend, Kerry the green Koala

Percy: Holly! You will never guess who I saw, a green koala! Koalas are like us, they are fighting to keep their trees, too. Green Koala is advocating for the koalas at Daisy Hill, Queensland. They are going to have a meeting with the humans on Saturday to discuss preserving their trees. I think we should support the koalas.

Holly: Wow! now you are talking Percy! You are supporting other animals instead of thinking about yourself all the time. It’s a great idea to support the koala’s because koalas are not social animals so it will be a big effort for them to talk with the humans.

Percy: Why is she a green koala?

Holly: I know Kerry, the green koala. She is like you Percy. You are scared of heights and do not want anyone to know about it. Kerry has dyed her hair green to divert attention away from people seeing her wearing glasses. She thinks people will look at her green hair, make a fuss of her coloured hair and not pay attention to her glasses. You both are like the human kids, some of them play up in class, to divert attention away from them because they do not want other human kids to know they do not understand their schoolwork. They prefer to disrupt the class and look funny instead of saying they do not understand their work.

Percy: She was not wearing any glasses when I saw her. There is nothing bad about wearing glasses. I think glasses look smart on humans and animals.

Percy: Well, now I talk to Rose about my fear of heights. She is going to fix me, and I will never be scared again.  I guess Kerry is talking to her about wearing glasses. If human kids talk to their teachers about what they don’t understand they would not have to act silly in class.

I have more words to look up; divert and disrupt.

Holly: Do you think it is better looking these words up rather than getting hot headed when you do not understand what humans were saying half the time?

Percy: Yes.


Holly: You have to behave when we go to Daisy Hill to support the Koalas negotiate with the humans.

Percy: I will try. I will tell more possums about the meeting. This is going to be big. Bye Holly.

Holly: Bye now and remember, whatever you do today, make it safe and fun.

Holly, Percy, and Delece Ford  October 2022

Would you like to know more about Percy and Holly? You can, in the book ‘Adventures of Percy the Possum.’ You can buy it on this site.

Percy Faces his Fears

Percy: What are you doing here, Koala? You are up the wrong tree. Have you got lost?

Koala: No, I came to see Rose. She fixes all the animal problems. I think you are next. I have enough gum leaves in my pouch to last me until I get home.

A lovely-looking Possum climbed down a tree as Koala and Percy were speaking and interrupted their conversation.

Rose: Hello you must be Percy.

Percy: Yes, my sister Holly said I should come to see you and talk about my fear of heights. I am embarrassed to tell you what is wrong with me.

Rose: Bye Koala, see you in a fortnight.

Percy: I have never seen a green Koala before. What is wrong with her?

Rose: I cannot tell you what Koala’s problems are, that is between Koala and me. It is confidential.

Percy: Oh no, you use big words like Holly does. That is two more words I have to look up, counsellor and confidential. I don’t want to hear anymore big words; I just want you to unscared me from big heights.

Rose: I am not sure unscared is a word, Percy.

Percy: Well, it is no more stupid than all those words you and Holly use.

Rose: You are a bit of a hothead too, I see.

Percy: Have you been speaking with Holly?

Rose: It is easy to see you are bad tempered. We need to fix that too, Percy. Tell me, Percy, did something happen to make you scared of heights?

Percy: I fell out of a tree when I was a baby, and I have been scared of heights ever since. I do not want other possums find out. I need to fix it, especially now that I am negotiating with the humans to move out of our property.

Rose: We will fix one thing at a time, first we will fix your fear of heights, then you can tell me about the humans on your property because I can help you with that too.

Percy: You can help us with the humans?

Rose: Yes, but first let’s talk about your fear of heights. We will work with one thing at a time. We will not climb further up the tree today. I am going to tell you five things to think about.

  1. We will talk about how we are going to get you ready to climb up high, you will get right up to the top of this tree by the time we finished our sessions.

Percy: This tree is too high for me to climb all the way up there.

Rose: That is why we are doing this slowly, so that you will get the courage to climb all the way up eventually.

  1. Slowly does it. When you are ready, you will climb one branch higher every week, until you get to the top.

Rose: Ok? Did you feel safe climbing up this first branch?

Percy: Yes, I felt safe. I felt scared when I go to the second branch.

Rose: I need you to visualize, to imagine.

  1. I want you to imagine you are climbing the second branch. Tell me what you feel?

Percy: I feel sick in the stomach and my hands feel all clammy and wet and I think I am going to slide off the branch and hurt myself.

Rose: I want you to imagine you feel safe as you put one hand on the second branch and hold it. Do this from time to time, then put one leg on the second branch, and feel safe. Then get on to the second branch imagining that you feel safe. Feel how courageous you are sitting on the second branch.


  1. Breathe. If you feel scared, take deep breaths so that you do not feel so anxious. Did you know that taking deep breaths you get more oxygen to your brain? That is good for you. It will make you feel better.

Percy: Does breathing deeply really help calm me down and then I can do things I am scared of?

Rose: Yes, it does. You can breathe deeply in all situations, you feel scared, and it will help calm you down, then you can do what scares you.

Percy: I can’t wait to tell my sister Holly. She will be pleased when she sees I can climb trees to the very top.

Rose: One more thing, Percy.  

  1. Take it easy. You will not achieve it in one day. It will take weeks before you climb to the top. Do it slowly, one branch per week.

Percy: Thank you Rose, I will see you in a fortnight for the next instructions.

Rose: I will look forward to seeing how much you have advanced.

Percy: Bye now, and as my sister Holly always says; whatever you do today, make it safe and fun.


Holly, Percy, and Delece Ford  September 2022

Would you like to know more about Percy and Holly? You can, in the book ‘Adventures of Percy the Possum.’ You can buy it on this site.

Percy: It has been peaceful these past two weeks since the backyard neighbours have been on holidays. I have taken advantage of them being away and had a big meeting with more advocates in our backyard.   

Holly: The neighbours are going to get angry when they find out all those people and their dogs were in their yard.

Percy: Our yard. That is the first contentious issue. It is our yard!

Holy: Contentious. I can’t believe it; you have been looking up the dictionary without me telling you.

Percy:  Yes, I saw the negotiations have worked over the fortnight, so it might continue to work. Learning unfamiliar words makes me feel smart.

Holly: Here is another word for you Percy, acrophobia.

Percy: What does that mean?

Holly: You! It describes you. You are scared of heights, that means you are acrophobic. You need to do something about it. We are all scared of something, but when that something stops us from doing things, we need to get help for it. Your acrophobia stops you from climbing high branches. You need to get that fixed.

Percy: But I fell out of the tree when I was a baby, and I have been scared ever since.

Holly: Nothing wrong with getting scared, but what is silly is if you do not get help with what you are scared about. Face your fears, then you can climb up the high branches again.

Percy: That means I have to tell someone, so they can help me.

Holly: Yes, you do, but they are trained to help you and they won’t tell anyone.

Percy: Ok, I will see them if they won’t tell the other possums I am scared of heights.

Holly: Good, I will arrange an appointment for you. Now tell me about the new advocates.

Percy: They are people in key positions.

Holly: You are learning to negotiate; you have learnt about advocates–now you need to control your bad temper and stop being scared of heights.

Percy: I’m going to play now, enough learning. Bye Holly.

Holly: Bye Percy and remember, whatever you do today, make it safe and fun.

Holly, Percy, and Delece Ford  September 2022

Would you like to know more about Percy and Holly? You can, in the book ‘Adventures of Percy the Possum.’ You can buy it on this site.

Percy: Where is everyone? I thought 20 humans were coming here today to protest on our behalf.

Holly: Not everyone shows up when they say they will Percy, that is what humans do. They make promises they don’t keep; other things happen. The humans are not here to protest; they are going to negotiate with the humans who live in the back of our yard, and they are going to be our advocates.

Percy and Holly’s advocates were negotiation living arrangements when the backyard neighbour said he could not tolerate Percy and wanted Percy to be removed. This was too much for Percy. He plucked the biggest mango off the tree and threw it so hard it spattered when he hit his neighbour in his face.

Backyard neighbour: You come here, you rotten little Possum. You wait till I get my hands on you. Percy climbed up the tree so high to get away from the neighbour he felt a little scared.

Percy: Did you see that, Holly? He was going to get me; this negotiation is not working.

Holly: Negotiation takes time. You throw a mango at the human, what do you expect? Now it is going to be harder for our advocates to convince the backyard neighbours we are all going to live together.

Percy:  Do you see how far up the tree I had to climb to get away from the backyard neighbours?

Holly: It is your own fault Percy, you provoked them. Besides, you are safe up here.

Percy: I’m scared.

Holly: You are the only Possum I know who is scared of heights. Just hang on tight, you will be ok. I’ll climb down where I can hear what is happening and be back shortly.

Holly climbed back up the tree after the humans walked away.

Percy: What did our advocates say?

Holly: Our advocates are going to speak within themselves and meet with some other human that might help us. The meeting did not go well because you threw the mango at the human. We might have to find another tree to live in.

Percy: That is not fair! This is possum country; we were here first!

Holly: Some humans think they are more important than us animals. We need to continue to educate them. The backyard neighbours have promised to leave us alone until our advocates come back in a fortnight for more negotiations. But you have to promise not to throw anymore mangos at them or else they said they will cut our tree down.

Percy: Are we safe for a fortnight?

Holly: Yes, and one of our advocates who lives across the street will keep watch and if anything looks suspicious, they will contact the other advocates and they will come here. So, we are safe. Climb down a few branches if you are scared, you are safe now.

Percy: You won’t tell the other Possums I am scared of heights, will you?

Holly: No, I won’t tell. One day, you will conquer your fear of heights.

Percy: Conquer, another human word to look up.

Holly: Yes. You need to learn as many words as you can, education is important. The more you know about everything, the better you can negotiate with humans.

I’m going to see some friends now, Percy. I will catch up with you later. Try to behave in the meantime. Whatever you do today, make it safe and fun. Bye for now, Percy.

Percy: Bye Holly.

Holly, Percy, and Delece Ford  August 2022

Would you like to know more about Percy and Holly? You can, in the book ‘Adventures of Percy the Possum.’ You can buy it on this site.

Percy: I cannot believe it. We have twenty advocates who want to help us throw mango seeds at our nasty neighbours.

Holly: No, our advocates will not throw mango seeds at the neighbours, you hothead. They are going to advocate on our behalf and tell the humans who live at the back of our place that it is possum property. Our advocates are going to make those people promise not to annoy us, and to live harmoniously with us. We are going to promise not to throw mango seeds at the humans.

Percy: That is no fun. I want a bit of action.

Holly grabbed a branch above her head and climbed away from Percy. she finds it annoying when Percy talks silly.

Holly: If you keep doing silly things, our advocates will not help us. Our backyard neighbours will get angry at us, and we will have to move. Have you learnt anything about what is happening to us?

Percy: Yes, we learnt the words strategic and advocacy.

Holly: You need to do it, not just say the words.

Percy looked at Holly in the only way a cheeky boy possum can.

Holly: I don’t know why I bother with you sometimes, Percy. I’m going to visit a friend who is helping me make further plans with the humans. We need to negotiate with them about how we will work together.

Percy: Is negotiate another human word?

Holy: Yes, it is a human word, but not all humans can negotiate very well. Look the word up, Percy. Educate yourself. You need to understand it before we meet with the humans.

Percy: I just want to torment the humans because they move into animals homes all the time and it is the animals who move out. It is the humans who need to negotiate with us. They need to be educated, not us.

Holly: Now that we have some advocates to help us, we are going to educate the humans. First, we are going to negotiate with the neighbours on our property. Second, we will teach all the humans in Australia about us, our needs and our land. They cannot move in and take over animals homes, they need to negotiate with us and other humans who advocate on our behalf.

Percy: How are you going to do that, Holly?

Holly: One state at a time, we will start with Queensland. We start off small and grow big as we go. Are you on board, Percy?

Percy: Yes.

Holly: Good. I will catch up with you later. Try to behave in the meantime. Whatever you do today, make it safe and fun. Bye for now, Percy.

Percy: Bye Holly.

Holly, Percy, and Delece Ford  August 2022

Would you like to know more about Percy and Holly? You can, in the book ‘Adventures of Percy the Possum.’ You can buy it on this site.

Hey kids – Today, I must tell you about my mango tree and the word strategic… My sister Holly and I are going to be strategic and get those humans to get off our property.

But first I must tell you about my beautiful mango tree in my garden. Animals love their gardens; it is our homes. Those humans moved onto our property without asking us and built their house. Now they want to eat our mangos. My mango tree has the biggest juicy mangos hanging in almost every branch. Those dreaded humans think it is their tree and garden. They build their house in my garden. I mean, I was here first. It is my mango tree.

The humans cannot mind their own business. I was chewing on a delicious juicy mango when those humans come out of their house and promptly stood under my tree again, speaking about my sister and me. They were saying we were horrible for throwing mango seeds on their tin shed. I lost it! I mean, I really lost it. They criticise us, so with all my force, I threw a mango seed at them. I lost my grip and slid down the tree.

My sister Holly could not stop laughing at me. It was not funny.

Down the tree I went, trying to grab one branch after another, till finally I hit a large branch and bounced off it and got stuck in the fork of two branches.

Stop laughing Holly, sisters can be so aggravating sometimes.

Holly: Well, Percy, I told you not to throw the mango seeds at the humans.

Percy: Anyway, I am not seriously hurt. I just got some scratches, and a bit of fur came off on my left leg.

Holly and I are trying to be strategic about how we get on with the humans in our backyard. We are going to teach these humans how to get along with us. They can live on our property if they are peaceful and treat us well. Let me be quite clear here, it is possum property! Not human property.

Now the word strategic means we need a good plan to achieve our goals. Our goal is to make the humans understand us and treat us nicely.

Holly: I’m not sure you can be strategic, Percy. You have a nasty temper; you need to fix that first.

Percy: I only get angry with humans when they are not sensitive to our needs.

Holly: I am glad you looked up the meaning of strategic. Now we can discuss our plan. The problem is that the humans are overpopulating our land, taking our property.

Percy: I know, we will cull the humans.

Holy: You can’t cull other species because you find them inconvenient to be around.

I suppose not, grumbled Percy.

Holly: Stop thinking like a human, Percy. You must be more strategic than that, a decent plan. That is what we want. We need to look at our future, the human’s future, and how we can all live together harmoniously.

Percy: Work with humans? Now that is a challenge!   

The Plan

Holly: Firstly, we need to stop the humans from kicking us out of our home.

Secondly, we need to decide which humans are prepared to advocate for us Possums.

Percy: The humans will not agree with what we say.

Holly: Yes, I know some of them won’t agree, but you know the other neighbours like us, so we will have some support, they will be our advocates.

Percy: Our what?

Holly: Look the word up Percy, the word is advocates. Anyway, before you look at what that word means, Percy, I want to say one more thing to you.

Percy: What’s that?

Holly: We have to work strategically to get these humans working with us. They are not as clever as possums.

Percy: I’ll ask around and see which humans will help us stay in our homes and check out the word advocate. I will try not to throw any more mango seeds at the nasty neighbours until then.

Holly: Good idea Percy, and I will work on our plan a bit more to see what we can come up with, so those neighbours stop annoying us.

Holly: Excellent! It is a plan.

Holly: Bye for now Percy, try to control your temper and not get so upset with the humans.

Percy walked away, grumbling.

Remember Kids, whatever you do today, think strategically, and make it safe and fun!

Holly, Percy, and Delece Ford  July 2022

Would you like to know more about Percy and Holly? You can, in the book ‘Adventures of Percy the Possum.’ You can buy it on this site.