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I write a variety of articles because I am interested in many topics. This can be fascinating or off-putting to readers. People come to my site to read self-help material, then see an article on writing and vice versa. This can make it difficult when thinking about my brand. What are people expecting from me? To be a social worker/ counsellor or a writer, especially when I write about subjects not related to social work.
When I was younger, I sat in a meeting with social workers who said they were going to see a movie on social work on the weekend. I said I intended to see a martial arts movie. The older social workers were horrified I was interested in ‘fighting’ given my profession. I saw martial arts as discipline and exercise, they saw it as fighting and violence. They told me to re-think my career as a social worker. I told them to live life to the max. Yep! That did not go down well.
I am telling you this story for a reason, and that is; I love life, I am interested in a multitude of things, and this will reflect in my writing. Take, for example; I might write an article called ‘Step it up or give up.’ As a writer, I could refer to your writing, and tell you to change your format, change the characters, etc. As a social worker/counsellor, I would encourage you never to give up, but instead I’d tell you how to step it up and show you considerable amounts of empathy to what is happening to you. But, in both situations I would endeavour to empower you, because at the end of the day, I mostly think like a social worker.

Here comes a narcissist. Run, run fast!

Here comes a narcissist. Run, run fast! To discuss Narcissism personally contact email The problem is you cannot physically run because these narcissists are in the workplace, part of your family and clubs you frequent. Detach emotionally from them. I know it is hard because they are good manipulators. Before you tackle the narcissists,…

The Fascination of Storytelling

Storytelling, whether fiction or nonfiction, can consume you or repel you depending on the content. Every day we encounter storytelling; through speeches such as business deals, meetings in the workplace, or speaking to someone at work, speaking over the fence to your neighbour or chatting with your family and friends. Or you can read books,…

Time Savers

Time Savers So much to do, not enough time to do it in. How many times do you hear yourself saying this? People tell you to prioritise your tasks and/or to delete tasks that are least important to you so you can keep up with things. I will not tell you to prioritise your tasks;…

Novel Solutions

Novel Solutions There is a solution to every problem. You just have to work it out, or speak to someone who knows the solution. Albert Einstein’s advice was to, ‘Stay away from negative people. They have a problem with every solution.’ I agree with him, because it’s easy to become negative and lose motivation when…

Pantser vs Plotter

Are you a Plotter or a Pantser? Are you a Plotter or a Pantser? Before you answer that question, let’s look at what a plotter and Pantser are. As they say, a Pantser is someone who flies by the seat of their pants. Pantser’s don’t plan the story, there is no outline, they invent a…

How can we live to our highest potential in a world of COVID-19?

How many times have we heard motivational speakers say if we change our mindset, we can change anything? I have said it myself numerous times, and now I am really checking this statement out to see if it is true. Does it work in every circumstance? I will use myself as an example; I love…

How To Achieve Your Goals

You probably have been told numerous times you need to be persistent to achieve your goals, and that is a good idea. However, there is also a time when you need to walk away from what you are doing, not because you are giving up, but because there is a better way of doing that…

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