Adventures of Percy the Possum – Percy and Holly Series Part Three
Percy: Where is everyone? I thought 20 humans were coming here today to protest on our behalf.
Holly: Not everyone shows up when they say they will Percy, that is what humans do. They make promises they don’t keep; other things happen. The humans are not here to protest; they are going to negotiate with the humans who live in the back of our yard, and they are going to be our advocates.
Percy and Holly’s advocates were negotiation living arrangements when the backyard neighbour said he could not tolerate Percy and wanted Percy to be removed. This was too much for Percy. He plucked the biggest mango off the tree and threw it so hard it spattered when he hit his neighbour in his face.
Backyard neighbour: You come here, you rotten little Possum. You wait till I get my hands on you. Percy climbed up the tree so high to get away from the neighbour he felt a little scared.
Percy: Did you see that, Holly? He was going to get me; this negotiation is not working.
Holly: Negotiation takes time. You throw a mango at the human, what do you expect? Now it is going to be harder for our advocates to convince the backyard neighbours we are all going to live together.
Percy: Do you see how far up the tree I had to climb to get away from the backyard neighbours?
Holly: It is your own fault Percy, you provoked them. Besides, you are safe up here.
Percy: I’m scared.
Holly: You are the only Possum I know who is scared of heights. Just hang on tight, you will be ok. I’ll climb down where I can hear what is happening and be back shortly.
Holly climbed back up the tree after the humans walked away.
Percy: What did our advocates say?
Holly: Our advocates are going to speak within themselves and meet with some other human that might help us. The meeting did not go well because you threw the mango at the human. We might have to find another tree to live in.
Percy: That is not fair! This is possum country; we were here first!
Holly: Some humans think they are more important than us animals. We need to continue to educate them. The backyard neighbours have promised to leave us alone until our advocates come back in a fortnight for more negotiations. But you have to promise not to throw anymore mangos at them or else they said they will cut our tree down.
Percy: Are we safe for a fortnight?
Holly: Yes, and one of our advocates who lives across the street will keep watch and if anything looks suspicious, they will contact the other advocates and they will come here. So, we are safe. Climb down a few branches if you are scared, you are safe now.
Percy: You won’t tell the other Possums I am scared of heights, will you?
Holly: No, I won’t tell. One day, you will conquer your fear of heights.
Percy: Conquer, another human word to look up.
Holly: Yes. You need to learn as many words as you can, education is important. The more you know about everything, the better you can negotiate with humans.
I’m going to see some friends now, Percy. I will catch up with you later. Try to behave in the meantime. Whatever you do today, make it safe and fun. Bye for now, Percy.
Percy: Bye Holly.
Holly, Percy, and Delece Ford August 2022