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How To Achieve Your Goals

You probably have been told numerous times you need to be persistent to achieve your goals, and that is a good idea. However, there is also a time when you need to walk away from what you are doing, not because you are giving up, but because there is a better way of doing that task or maybe abandon that task altogether. The idea is to be flexible. To know when to be persistent and when to walk away from a task. By walking away, I do not mean running away because the task is to complex to achieve, but to be able to choose which is the better way to tackle the goal.
Some people are afraid of making mistakes and feel ashamed of themselves, let me tell you, if you are like this, you are not going to advance much in life. Kids might have laughed at you at school because you got a wrong answer, seriously, that is kids’ stuff. Millionaires say they have made mistakes all the time, they learn by their mistakes, that is why they are successful. Albert Einstein said, ‘A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.’ Unfortunately, most of us are taught in the ‘mainstream’ and schools think mistakes are wrong. That is not so, it just means you have to try tasks in different ways until you achieve the result you are after and be flexible in your approach to learn along the way to get the result you want to achieve.
Author: info

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