Adventures of Percy the Possum – Percy and Holly Series Part Two
Percy: I cannot believe it. We have twenty advocates who want to help us throw mango seeds at our nasty neighbours.
Holly: No, our advocates will not throw mango seeds at the neighbours, you hothead. They are going to advocate on our behalf and tell the humans who live at the back of our place that it is possum property. Our advocates are going to make those people promise not to annoy us, and to live harmoniously with us. We are going to promise not to throw mango seeds at the humans.
Percy: That is no fun. I want a bit of action.
Holly grabbed a branch above her head and climbed away from Percy. she finds it annoying when Percy talks silly.
Holly: If you keep doing silly things, our advocates will not help us. Our backyard neighbours will get angry at us, and we will have to move. Have you learnt anything about what is happening to us?
Percy: Yes, we learnt the words strategic and advocacy.
Holly: You need to do it, not just say the words.
Percy looked at Holly in the only way a cheeky boy possum can.
Holly: I don’t know why I bother with you sometimes, Percy. I’m going to visit a friend who is helping me make further plans with the humans. We need to negotiate with them about how we will work together.
Percy: Is negotiate another human word?
Holy: Yes, it is a human word, but not all humans can negotiate very well. Look the word up, Percy. Educate yourself. You need to understand it before we meet with the humans.
Percy: I just want to torment the humans because they move into animals homes all the time and it is the animals who move out. It is the humans who need to negotiate with us. They need to be educated, not us.
Holly: Now that we have some advocates to help us, we are going to educate the humans. First, we are going to negotiate with the neighbours on our property. Second, we will teach all the humans in Australia about us, our needs and our land. They cannot move in and take over animals homes, they need to negotiate with us and other humans who advocate on our behalf.
Percy: How are you going to do that, Holly?
Holly: One state at a time, we will start with Queensland. We start off small and grow big as we go. Are you on board, Percy?
Percy: Yes.
Holly: Good. I will catch up with you later. Try to behave in the meantime. Whatever you do today, make it safe and fun. Bye for now, Percy.
Percy: Bye Holly.
Holly, Percy, and Delece Ford August 2022