The Power, The Capture and Release – Extract from Chapter 1 – Killer on the Loose
Jack picked up the alleged serial killer and threw him over his shoulder and carried him towards the back of the basement. ‘Not that way,’ said Kim. ‘this way.’ Jack and Carol followed Kim down the hallway into a small room neither of them had ever seen before, despite Carol being at the house many times, and Jack living there. In the small room, winding stairs led to the roof, but there was no opening to the roof. The manhole was over towards the left of the stairs, too far to reach from the stairs. It made no sense to have a stairway that led to the roof that had no opening. The stairs served no purpose.
If we let the alleged killer go, he will kill others. If we tell the police, they will want to know why we have not reported it immediately. Why are we stalling Jack? Why? The longer Carol keeps him here, the worse it will be for everyone. Why did she not just call the cops once she captured him?
Delece Ford July 2022