When you are unemployed there are times when you do not want to associate with people because they ask you that question, have you got a job yet? They mean well, but it can be so annoying. Then, there are the people who will tell you there are heaps of jobs available, perhaps there are, but the jobs might not suit your skills, or you are not physically capable of doing them.
So why bother staying engaged in the community when you get asked uncomfortable questions or people give you unwanted advice? Easy, despite the occasional questions some people ask, it is healthy to think beyond unemployment and take part in healthy relationships and activities external to the unemployment scene. Being unemployed can frustrate you, you feel lonely, and it is boring. So, to keep your spirits high, you need to be involved in a positive atmosphere, because there is nothing positive about walking into Centrelink/Social Security.
So how do you respond when people ask you if you are still unemployed? Check out tip 1.
Tip 1: No, I do not have a job yet, can you get one for me, please? Just repeat this sentence over and over, until it drives them crazy, and they stop asking you this question or they are genuine about their question to help get you a job.
Staying focused and trying every avenue to get a job is important, but you need to think beyond unemployment to keep your sanity, so look at tip 2.
Tip 2: You need to take a break from searching for work, to re-freshen your brain, and liven up your spirit. So, two days of every week, do something you really enjoy, just like you would if you had a job. I know you have little money, so be creative, do something different or get yourself into a different environment, it will make all the difference. You will feel refreshed, and you will feel better when applying for jobs.
Want more tips? Check out the book called, ‘The Power to Survive Unemployment.’
PS: Look at the wider horizon, you are unemployed, not defeated. Remember to enjoy life.
Delece Ford